APRA says lending caps are here to stay
Lending caps aren’t going anytime soon after APRA said they would stay until household debt levels stabilise.
Lending caps aren’t going anytime soon after APRA said they would stay until household debt levels stabilise.
It’s the latest phase in their ongoing tightening of lending standards in Australia.
The Australian dollar has hit a two-year high, surging back up past the US80c mark.
Property market stakeholders are processing how new changes to be introduced by the federal government will reduce depreciation deductions for residential properties.
The Treasurer Scott Morrison is planning to allow more than 50 smaller lenders to become banks in a move that could increase competitiveness and lower home loan rates.
Data released from the 2016 census yesterday has revealed that home ownership rates in the country have continued to decline, as they have done so for the last 25 years.
As part of the Federal Government’s Budget housing affordability measures, first-home buyers can now use up to $30,000 of voluntary superannuation contributions to put towards a deposit on their first home.
The Federal Government is cracking down on negatively geared landlords who claim travel expenses when they inspect their properties.
The Victorian State Government released its Budget this week and as expected they have introduced a tax for properties left unoccupied for six months or more.
It looks as though the Federal Government may offer exemptions from new superannuation limits to retirees who downsize their home.