APRA lifts restriction on interest-only residential lending
The loosening of the screws from the financial regulator is aimed at stabilising Australia’s spiraling housing market.
The loosening of the screws from the financial regulator is aimed at stabilising Australia’s spiraling housing market.
Sydney property prices have copped a pumping in 2018, falling 9.5 per cent since their peak in the middle of last year.
There’s a huge number of interest-only mortgages in Australia – around $120 billion worth – that will soon transfer over to principal-and-interest according to the Reserve Bank.
The NAB’s changes mean they will calculate the upfront commission a broker receives for a home loan based on the amount the drawn rather than the total approved and net of any offset facility.
New housing construction is set to drop significantly over the next few years with housing starts to fall over 20 per cent.
Melbourne house price growth has slowed to its lowest rate in nearly six years and in Sydney house prices have fallen at their fastest rate in decade.
The Reserve Bank is cooling down calls for interest rate hikes, singling out young home loan borrowers as being a risk to the economy.
When buying a property it’s crucial to get a pre-approval on your finance to get certainty on your borrowing capacity and to enable you to move quickly when you find the perfect property.
The Reserve Bank has extended its record run by leaving official interest rates unchanged for the 20thmonth running.
The Reserve Bank has kept official interest rates at 1.5 per cent for the 18th consecutive time, and that’s a record.